West Seattle Art Walk

Every Second Thursday | 5-8pm

West Seattle Art Tour

West Seattle’s community-driven artist showcase is back, with a new name, the West Seattle Art Tour. Held on the third Saturday in September, this event showcases a unique array of art created by exceptional West Seattle artists.  The Tour is created and run by volunteer artists and is a fun event across the West Seattle peninsula where visitors can:

  • Meet and talk with artists and other art tourists.
  • Learn about different types of art.
  • Buy one-of-a-kind handmade works of art.
  • Be inspired by creative imaginings.  

HOW DO I PARTICIPATE AS AN ARTIST OR SITE? Head over to our Join the Tour page for artist and site participation information. Along with artist and site application information, you’ll find a self-service artist and site matching tool!


As the West Seattle Art Tour evolves, driven by artist feedback, our focus is on highlighting the depth and quality of West Seattle’s artist community. Two key changes this year are the new name and an annual fall occurrence planned for the third Saturday of September. Other changes are some refinements to artist and site host criteria. This year, artists have asked that sites be locations that put the focus on artists, such as the places they live, work or create. This means that the types of sites that can host are more limited. Another difference this year is some criteria for artists and some clarifications about mediums that fall under the Tour’s umbrella. Registration fees have increased to support artists’ requests for expanded marketing for the event, including new day of event signage.


Our volunteer team will be working as quickly as possible to create the participating sites map once our roster of participating artists and sites is confirmed. When it’s ready, you’ll find the Tour map and artist information here. We’re also looking forward to adding an artist gallery to our web presence this year. Stay tuned!

HAVE OTHER QUESTIONS? Most are answered in our Frequently Asked Questions.